Saturday 23 November 2013

Xbox One: Million Consoles Sold In 24 Hours

Microsoft Retail Store Hosts Xbox One Midnight Launch Event Featuring A Killer Instinct Ultra Gaming Tournament In San DiegoMicrosoft has sold more than one million Xbox One consoles in less than 24 hours, despite some users saying they have been plagued by technical problems.
The next-generation gaming console is now sold out at most retailers after going on sale in 13 countries across the world on Friday, the US firm said.
Yusuf Mehdi, corporate vice president of marketing and strategy for Xbox, said: "We are humbled and grateful for the excitement of Xbox fans around the world.
"Seeing thousands of excited fans lined up to get their Xbox One and their love for gaming was truly a special moment for everyone on the Xbox team.
This is pretty cool,I am a xbox fan and me and my friend waited for 2 hours for the Xbox one at Game.
I can't wait until christmas

Thursday 21 November 2013

Christmas play

This year at hillside we are doing a play about the christmas jigsaw. In the play I am blue angel no. 2 and i have 2 lines to say. The play has 6 main characters the angel meg eve beth and tom and joe. Year 6 have a class song called roll up roll up and its about some carol singers in town who are trying to sing but get interupted by market sellers.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

100 word challange

100 word challenge one knew how or when but it was just there, floating in the murky water.It all started a few days ago we moved house from London Brazil,nobody really liked it there it was dirty and smell (especially when you live near a dump),so we moved here.we (my sister and I)were walking down the river bank when I ran ahead, then when I looked back she was not there just her boots and something next to her, I moved closer to get a good look then suddenly it jumped out of the water and,SPLASH!!!

Saturday 9 November 2013


I cant believe its only 45 days 10 hours 2 minutes 10 seconds till christmas yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!

100 word challenge #week 10#

          It was a normal day at first. I was out by myself down the riverside, my family were out doing holiday stuff. Anyway as I was walking I spotted a duck in the water. It looked happy enough eating some bread playing with the other ducks but then I spotted something moving in the water. This was not a duck it was a snake! I tried to warn the ducks but they didn't hear me I screamed and shouted but still they didn't hear me. I had to think fast, so I did it I jumped in the water. Splash!

100 word challenge week 10

Children Don't Play Near Ponds With Your Rabbits! You don't want to end up like this.........

          Last week a person who's name is claimed to be Kevin  was out walking his rabbit (bob) and bob fell into the pond. Kevin jumped in after bob but did not make it out. The person who saw this was Allie'n and she said "The rabbit got out safely but was a very strange colour and Kevin got taken by what looked like a starfish and the only thing left of him was his trousers and wellingtons." 
        The rabbit is going to court on the charge of arranged man stealing and will be charged over a thousand pound if guilty.